The Mortlands of Monticello

The Mortlands of Monticello
Living everyday to the fullest and one at a time

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

Relished Moments

So today after Kairos drop off, Kathy, Kristi R., Cara, Katie F. and myself all went back to Kathy's house to put Auction Baskets together and it was a nice time getting to have girl time together while being creative.

After Kairos pick up Alex and I came home and I started making stocking caps for the boys for fall winter this upcoming year. I imagine I will get them done by then. :)

Then after pick up from Lincoln, Jack, Alex and myself went into Champaign to spend the afternoon/evening with my parents. We had a great time. My dad made a new sand box for the boys. It took 800 lbs of sand, so needless to say it's like a beach in their back yard. :0) I don't know who liked it more my kids or my dad. LOL!!

So before dinner I was walking with the boys while they rode their bikes and I was barefoot in the cul-de-sac that my parents live on, and I started thinking about when I was their age. The house my parents live in now was my paternal grandparents house when I was growing up. I loved being their and it was their house until I was 20. So when my parents bought the house it was a wonderful and fulfilling feeling. I knew that my kids would grow up with that house as their grandparents house just as I did. I have SO many wonderful memories of that house and with our large extended family. So as I walked barefoot, it reminded me of when I was 6 and being there and it gave me a warm feeling inside.

Then when we came home, Koa (one of our dogs) and I went on our walk. We walk about 2-4 miles a day for both our benefits. :) I love walking in the evening with her because we take the bike path and we have a special spot off the trail that her and I go and sit and watch the sun set and listen to the frogs and birds chirp and tonight was no different. However I have to admit I truly enjoy the time I get with myself and with my dog, out in nature getting to experience Mother Nature at her greatest. I feel more with God and Nature when I am outside and hearing, touching, seeing, smelling (not so much tasting:) all that there is to take in out there. It is my piece of mind, it is my deep breath. I cherish those moments SO much and need and crave them so often.

It always seems that moments like those only happen ever so often and in reality they happen all the time everyday, but normally we are too busy to realize it and appreciate it. I do believe it is to be that way because if we realized how wonderful things were around us all the time (even when it doesn't seem like it) then we would never truly appreciate how truly wonderful they are.

So with all of this said I just wanted to state that today I got to spend time with great friends, ones that I love with all that I am, and with myself and nature. I got to look back at my life and where it is now and to look forward to a wonderful future.

Well......I need to go put my little ones to bed. Thanks for listening. :0)


Day one!

Well we made it through the night and surprisingly without any real fuss from little one. We ate at midnight and then we were still asleep when I woke baby up at 5:30am. So not quite as bad as I anticipated (at least not yet) :) At first I thought "Oh I hope we made it through the night" I wanted to get up before the kids because I didn't want them to find out when I did if the baby didn't make it. However when I reached my hand in sure enough it squealed at me. :)We are also A LOT happier today.

Today is Alex's Easter Party at school. I need to go get some pre-filled eggs as I have eggs but no candy to put in them, so pre-filled eggs here we come. We are also heading into town this afternoon to spend time with my parents. They are redoing many rooms in their house and I am excited to see how the bathroom looks today (first room done). They start on the Family Room tonight.

I can't believe tomorrow is April 1st. I feel that every years goes faster and faster. I remember just 10 years ago how time felt like it took forever and I couldn't grow up fast enough. Well now I feel like time is flying by and I can't keep up. I feel my babies slipping away into adolescence and it makes me a little sad. I feel like it was just yesterday that Jack was born and he will be 6 this May.

It is hard to think that in just six years my little boy went from a little 8 lb Peanut to a blooming 6 year old. Time goes to fast.

Now with that said what I find even harder than watching my first born grow up (which is both hard and fun all at the same time) is seeing my "baby" growing up and knowing that in Dec he will be 5 (AH) He went from my little snuggler to my big snuggler (but at least he is still a snuggler).

It is hard to think that something so small, will grow into man someday. At least for now I still get to have my little snuggler.

Well at least for now, I can look back and realize how fast time really does go by and be grateful that I realize it and can remind myself to enjoy each and everyday with my children.

Well that is all for now, see you soon.


Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Well......what can I say I work at a Vet Clinic

So today we had a client come in and she had found a newborn kitten. I mean like it had the umbilical cord still attached this morning. Well, since it was all alone and with no other kittens, we came to the realization that it was most likely abandoned by the mother. There can be many reasons for a mother cat to do this however in the case of this little one we believe it is because it's a screamer. O yes if there is a screamer in the litter (Wuss Puss) then the mother will abandon it for the protection of her other kittens (who don't need a predator alerted of where they are). So now with that said I am in possession of a screaming newborn that needs to be fed every hour or two. So I guess God granted me my wish to have another baby, just in a very peculiar way. :)I will get some pictures up in about a week or two (hoping we make it that long). It is real iffy for kittens until they are about 3-4 weeks old if they will survive, and even more so in the first 48-72 hours so wish us luck. Just what I need another animal. I believe this is my calling in life to care for those that can't care for themselves. I believe this is God's want of me. I am just to much of a softy I guess.

More later,


Monday, March 29, 2010

Wednesday March 24th 2010

The Mortlands Easter Brunch

So I decided to host an Easter Party for our good friends and their little ones, a kind of girl time together over Spring Break. Since we raise rabbits I thought what better party to host then an Easter Party. We played with Easter Play-doh, Easter Coloring Books and Stickers, we also played Pin the Tail on the Bunny. The kids had a great time coloring Easter Eggs as well. We had Easter cupcakes and an Easter Egg hunt, but above all that, I think the LIVE Easter Bunnies made the biggest impression. I must say Cora (my friend Kathy's daughter) was a natural at holding the bunnies, I was impressed. I think everyone had a great time and I know I had a wonderful time hosting it and getting to see all our friends.

Easter Cupcakes

Pin the Tail on the Bunny

The Egg Loot after the Hunt

Our Sweet little Bunnies

Everyone sitting around in a circle with the bunnies

Everyone getting to see the Easter Bunnies for the first time

The Girls and their Bunnies (from left to right...Cora, Amara, and Emmie)

A BIG thanks to Katie F. for taking these great photos-Thanks hun!!

Mortlands of Monticello

Well I finally decided to give this blog thing a try and maybe even enjoy it. :) With the help of our children we have come up with our blog name Mortland's of Monticello (which I know for a fact we are the only ones around) On here I hope to put pictures and events. I also hope to use this blog as a bit of a mind release for myself on days when I feel I am the only one listening to me. :) I hope you enjoy our blog.

Liz and Nat's night out.

Well you didn't think this would be all about my children and family did you?? :) I do have a life outside my family, granted, it's not a large one but nonetheless it is one. This is what happens when you get two friends together with a little alcohol (well maybe a little more than a little) :)This was our night out on the town in bumpin Monticello Main Street Pub. They had a live band and surprisingly they were pretty good. I hope you enjoy a little of laid back Liz!! :)