The Mortlands of Monticello

The Mortlands of Monticello
Living everyday to the fullest and one at a time

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Pregnancy Testing

I had my 28 week labs done last week (at 30 weeks along) and my glucose was high so I had to go back in today and have a four hour testing done to check my blood sugar levels. I got my results a little bit ago and I have gestational diabetes. I will meet with an Endocrinologist next week to get my glucose meter and to learn what my new diet restrictions will be. I will have to test myself four times a day and report in with my OB every week with the results. If I can maintain my glucose with my diet then I will not need to do insulin. If my diet does not solve the problem then I will be taking an oral insulin at that time. If I do end up having to take the insulin I will be seen by my doctor 2 times a week for stress tests and sonograms to watch the placenta (as it can age with the insulin).

Good news is, once little man comes out I will be able to go back to my normal diet/routine as usual. They will retest me 6 weeks postpartum but at that time my levels should return to normal. As for baby they will watch him when he comes out to make sure his levels are where they need to be and if needed will give him some "sugar water" to help regulate. My levels are not off the charts but they are enough that we need to proceed to the next step.

I am not thrilled about the news on many levels but mainly because it is the holiday season and I will be limited in what I will be allowed to eat-which sucks ASS!!!! The other thing is I am not thrilled about having to stick myself four times a day. It is very irritating because I ate so poorly with Jack and gained SO much weight and had no issues with him. Alex I didn't eat as bad but I had no issues with him either. So of course my little "surprise" baby has been even more of a surprise with this new news!!

I have been able to tell for a few weeks that something was off with me. I have had problems with light headiness, a few times having spots (almost to blacking out), very sluggish and tired. The only good thing about this is maybe I can convince my doctor to take him a little earlier....I guess we will see. :)

So anyway I just wanted to give everyone a heads up on my pregnancy news!!


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